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Status Lights on Your CCW100 or CCW50

Light Functionality #

Green LED Light: System is on and operating properly. 

Yellow LED Light: Cartridge Unit has reached 80 percent of its life expectancy (8,000 hours) and it’s time to purchase a replacement cartridge.

To exchange your Cartridge, please visit:

Red LED Light: Cartridge Unit has reached its life expectancy and needs to be replaced. If red LED is flashing, contact Clear Comfort support.

Blue Light: Operation light that should always be illuminated.

Please Note: When powering on the system, the Cartridge Unit’s Blue Light will turn on first. Then, the Control Unit cycles twice between green, yellow, red and finally settles on green.

Additional Light Functionality Instructions #

Green Light: Cartridge life is between 0 – 7,999 hours (good, no action needed).

Green & Yellow Light: Cartridge life is reaching 8,000 – 9,999 hours (order your Cartridge exchange)

To exchange your Cartridge, please visit:

Red Light: Cartridge life has exceeded 10,000 hours (immediately exchange your Cartridge).

Flashing Red & No Blue Light: The Cartridge is not being sensed by the Control Unit. Please contact Customer Support.


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Updated on November 9, 2023