How to Install With Your CCW25 Kit

Video: CCW25 Installation #

Full System Diagram With CCW25 Install Kit #

Instructions: CCW25 Installation #

1. Prep CCW25 System #
  1. Attach the Air Flow Meter to the CCW25’s right mounting tab
  2. Attach barb fittings to the back of the Air Flow Meter
  3. Connect the Short Air Tubing from the Air Flow Meter’s top barb fitting to the CCW25’s left L-barbed connector

2. Prep Spa  #
  • Previously used spas, use a spa purge product,drain and refill water
  • Balance water chemistry and shock water:
    • pH: 7.2 – 7.6
    • Alkalinity: 80 – 120 ppm
    • Calcium Hardness: 50 – 250 ppm
    • Chlorine: 0.5 – 3 ppm
  • Turn OFF power to the spa
  • Remove the spa’s access panel
  • Find a location to mount the CCW25
3. Set Up Inside of the Spa #
  1. Secure the CCW25 using the mounting tab with at least 2 screws for mounting support
  2. Connect Long Air Tubing with the Air Check Valves to the CCW25’s right L-barbed connector.
    • Important Note: The Air Check Valves’ arrows should both point away from the CCW25 and to the Venturi
  3. Create a Hartford Loop above water line with the Long Air Tubing
  4. Connect the Long Air Tubing to the spa’s existing Venturi.


4. Set Up Electrical #
  1. Remove the spa controller panel cover
  2. Properly connect Y-Harness Cables:
    • Connect one Y-Harness Female Cable to the CCW25
    • Connect the other Y-HarnessFemale Cable to the Circulation Pump
    • Connect the Y-Harness Male Cable to the  Circulation Pump port
  3. Reattach the spa controller panel cover

NOTE: Spa power connections vary by manufacturer. For proper circulation power port connection, please refer to the spa’s manual

5. Adjust Air Flow #
  1. Turn ON power to the spa
  2. Once the water is circulating, adjust the Air Flow Meter’s dial until it reads between 0.5 – 2 LPM
  3. Reattach spa’s access panel


Video: Adjust Air Flow to CCW25  #


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Updated on November 9, 2023