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Making waves to fight cancer in Dallas

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This Saturday Clear Comfort sponsored the Dallas Swim Across America to raise awareness and funds to support the Swim Across America Innovative Clinical Trials Center at the Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center. Approximately two-hundred swimmers, including first-timers to Olympians, swam to raise money to fight cancer. Many swam in memory of loved ones, while others were cancer survivors themselves. This passionate group raised more than $250,000, with two individual teams raising more than $50,000 each. Below, see a photo of the swim and a photo of our Texas Area Manager Louie Warco (far right) with Olympic swimmers (from right to left) Janel Jorgenson, Andrea Dickson and Jim Montgomery. To learn more about how to support the Dallas Swim Across America event, click here. To find a Swim Across America event near you, click here. Swim Across America - DallasClear Comfort with SAA Dallas organizers and former olympic simmer Jim Montgomery  

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