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Five facts about pool inspections for commercial pool operators

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Copy of shutterstock_44286025 (1)Aquatics professionals have an important and challenging job. A single issue during a pool inspection could cause the pool to be shut down.

The National Association of County and City Health Officials aims to provide guidance to pool operators in a new report on pool inspections, “Seeing eye to eye with health inspectors: A report on U.S. aquatic venue inspections, findings and recommendations.”

Here are five facts NACCHO’s report had on pool inspections for commercial pool operators:

  1. Three-quarters of local health officials reported shutting down a commercial pool in the last two years.
  2. The most common violations for pool closures were:
    • Low sanitizing levels/chlorine.
    • The pH levels being out of balance.
    • Cloudiness or turbidity in the water.
  3. Hotels and motels had the most water-quality violations.
  4. Inspectors said they found violations at every (32 percent) or two in every three (54 percent) apartment complexes they visited.
  5. Universities, communities pools, parks and recreational facilities and water parks/resorts had staff with the highest level of knowledge and lowest turnover rate.

“The report details the most common violations, but more importantly provides some guidance on how pool operators can avoid them and a potential shutdown,” said Jennifer Li, NACCHO’s director of environmental health and health and disability.

A pool operator’s main job is to keep the pool healthy and open. The constant chemical balancing can be tedious, however, the threat of chlorine-resistant contaminants poses serious risk. Hydroxyl-based disinfection using Clear Comfort’s AOP Technology provides an added layer of protection by effectively and quickly killing Crypto and other RWIs, while enabling operators to reduce chlorine use. Learn more.

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