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How to take care of your pool after a disaster

Pool maintenance can be a hassle. By starting off on the right foot and keeping your pool properly maintained from the beginning, you can avoid headaches
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Natural disasters can cause a lot of damage to your home and property – especially if you have a pool. After natural disasters it’s common for pools overflow, pool equipment to lose power and to ruin supplies.

If you’re a pool owner and have been affected by a natural disaster, follow these four steps to help restore your pool back to normal.

Step One: Clean the pool

The first thing you can do after a natural disaster is clean the pool with your pool brush or leaf net. If debris flew into your pool from winds and rain, get all of the large waste out of your pool and clean the water with your skimmer baskets and pump trap.

Don’t go into the water yourself until it’s completely clean and sanitized. Also, don’t use your pool vacuum, as it’s likely to get clogged from large debris.

Step Two: Inspect pump and electrical systems for water damage

After you have cleaned the pool, the next thing you can do is check the pool pump and electrical system to make sure it’s not flooded or damaged. Dry all of the equipment and wait at least 24 hours before you try and power up again.

If you’re worried that there may has been significant water damage to your equipment – call an electrician or a pool service company to properly inspect the damaged area.

Step Three: Drain the pool to its appropriate level

It’s important to not completely drain your pool after a disaster. The excess water below the pool could cause the pool to come out of the ground, which could lead to even more damage.

The proper level to drain your pool is the midline of the pool’s skimmer openings. This will allow the skimmer to help clean the pool. Unless you’re having problems with drainage, it might not be necessary to lower the water level at all.

Step Four: Test the water chemistry

The natural disaster likely dirtied your pool water and made it unsafe to swim in. If the water in your pool isn’t balanced, you can add a chlorine or non-chlorine shock. Make sure that nobody is in the pool right before you’re going to shock it or 48 hours after you shock it. While the pool is being shocked, run the filtration system until the water is clear. Once the pool is balanced and the water is clear, reset everything to a normal cycle.

Recovering after a disaster can be a lot of work. Hopefully these tips make the cleanup process a little less stressful.


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