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Be the change: Go swimming this National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

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swimming in chlorine free poolTomorrow, September 30, is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, and I suggest celebrating with a swim! This day, created to encourage women to take control of their health and to make time for physical activity regularly, is also an opportunity for local organizations to promote the many women’s health resources available in their communities.  

Why National Women's Health & Fitness Day Is Important

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the United States the leading cause of death in women is heart disease. Heart disease can be prevented with regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and healthy lifestyle choices.  However, nearly 15 percent of American women over age 18 smoke cigarettes; 36.4 percent of women over 20 years old are obese and less than half of all women get enough aerobic exercise.

Be the Change: Go Swimming!

One of the best forms of aerobic exercise for women is swimming:
  • Non-weight bearing.  Swimming is easy on your joints and therefore is ideal for cross-training.
  • Relaxing and mood boosting. Swimming can be helpful for depression.
  • Calorie torching.  Swimming laps can burn more than 500 calories per hour, so even just 30 minutes of swimming can help you achieve fitness goals. This is 150+ more calories than a session on the elliptical.
  • Incredible cardiovascular workout.  Swimming requires you to hold your breath while maintaining a high heart rate.
  • Entire body workout.  You use every muscle in your body while swimming — few other sports can say the same.
  • Confidence boosting.  Whether you have mastered a new stroke or you have overcome your fear of water, the confidence gained in swimming can empower you outside of the water.
  • Individual or group activity.  Unlike team sports, swimming can be done alone or in groups depending on what is best for you.
  • Gender neutral sport.  Unlike many other sports and activities, women are less likely to feel overwhelmed by men dominating the pool.  
  • Perfect for pregnant women.  Due to it’s low-impact, soothing sensation and safety, swimming is the mostly highly recommended exercise for pregnant women.
For more information on Women’s Health & Fitness Day, check out the website or  email  And if you can’t find an event near you that sounds interesting, go to your nearest pool for a swim.

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