5 ways chlorine is harmful to your health [infographic]
Gabrielle Palumbo
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While swimming has many fitness advantages, the harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that traditional pool treatment chemicals produce can outweigh its benefits.
Here are five ways Clear Comfort can help you enjoy the benefits of swimming without the health hazards produced from traditional chlorinated water.
Senses: No more red eyes, itchy skin or noxious odors from DBPs contained in chlorinated water.
Respiratory: Reduce risk of respiratory issues like allergies, asthma and LifeGuard Lung.
Consumption: Independent universities studies prove that Clear Comfort quickly and effectively destroys Cryptosporidium, a chlorine resistant parasite.
Reproduction: Clear Comfort’s pool water is safe for infants and pregnant women to swim in, while heavily chlorinated pools with high DBP levels have been linked to reproductive disorders and birth defects.
Skin: Keep your skin hydrated without the red and itchy irritation from chlorinated water.