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Silver Bullet Water Treatment Company is now a part of Clear Comfort.
Farming & Industrial

Three ways pool chlorine can harm your child’s health

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pool chlorine healthPool chlorine can have a long-lasting negative impact on children's health that many pool owners and parents are not aware of. When chlorine destroys contaminants in pool water, it creates harmful disinfection byproducts and chloramines. These disinfection byproducts can take a toll on children’s health, sometimes affecting them into adulthood.

1. Pool chlorine causes “irritant dermatitis:”

Disinfection byproducts created by pool chlorine cause skin to become irritated. This irritation can include itchy and dry skin, bloodshot and burning eyes, discolored and dry hair, and overall discomfort.

2. Pool chlorine increases risk of bronchiolitis in infants.

Bronchiolitis is a common lung infection in young children and infants. It causes congestion in the small airways (bronchioles) of the lung. Bronchiolitis is almost always caused by a virus. A study from the European Respiratory Journal shows that children who swim in chlorinated pools before they are two years old have an increased risk of bronchiolitis.

3. People who swam in chlorinated pools in infancy have an increased risk of allergic sensitization and asthma throughout adulthood.

People who swam in chlorinated water under the age of two are more susceptible to developing allergies and asthma than those who were not exposed to pool chlorine, according to the European Respiratory Journal. Disinfection byproducts and chloramines cause allergies and asthma by irritating and sensitizing the respiratory tract. Why expose your children to the risks of pool chlorine when you have an alternative? Pool chlorine does more harm than good to our children by causing skin irritation, an increased risk of bronchiolitis, and a heightened chance of having allergic sensitization and asthma throughout their lives. Take preventative action with a non toxic, chlorine alternative pool treatment system.

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